May Updates

Hi there! I figured it was definitely time to update my fellow fans and authors on what I've been up to these past five months. :)

On New Year's Eve, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and then proceeded to be kicked into the deep end of the parenting pool. It's been a crazy wonderful experience and my husband and I are completely in love with our daughter. That being said, for the first three months I had no time to properly shower let alone write and so I was forced to take a break from writing.

In late March I returned back to work and a some what normal schedule. I completed the mystery novella I was working on before giving birth and began the first draft of the sequel to The Two Worlds. I also had to rework my production schedule for the rest of 2015.

Late last year I mentioned how I was fatigued of Kay and crew while writing The Two Worlds. Turns out, being on maternity leave was just what the doctor ordered! Now that I'm back at work, I find that I can't wait to tell more of their story. I've decided to keep them on my production schedule and finish up their tale this year. Here's what the rest of the year will look like:

July: The Two Worlds (revised and re-released)
July: The Two Worlds: On the Run 
August: The Two Worlds  #3
September: The Two Worlds #4
October: The Two Worlds #5

It's a lot of writing, but I'm determined to wrap up this series by the end of the year. And I think it will be a fun challenge.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for updates on my progress!